Monday, January 30, 2012


I am by fault a perfectionist when it comes to charts, etc. in my classroom. In the beginning I spent A LOT of time coloring with markers, crayons..whatever!! BUT about 15 years ago I discovered pastels...THE BEST THING EVER!! They are quick and easy and really make everything look great! The kids like to use them too! I have posted  several pictures of a chart that I made using the pastels. It is really easy! I also posted the type I use. Remember when using pastels a little goes a LONG way!I will post more examples later... Here are the steps
1) Outline my image with pencil until I am happy with it.
2) Trace with sharpie
3)outline with pastels
4) smear/rub with tissue
5) erase any mistakes or stray marks!

This is the final product. I created an interactive pocket chart. That will be my next blog!
VOILA!! I use pastels to border all my posters and even vocabulary / word wall cards. I use a color coding system (green=science words, blue = math words, red = reading words, orange = social studies words)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

BeeCr8tive: Last 25..

BeeCr8tive: Last 25..
Once the top 25 have been selected I go to the American Idol webpage and download a pic of each person. Then attach to poster. I separate them by girls and guys as this helps with my probability lesson. I will post all lesson information soon!!

Last 25..


American Idol is MY show! All the kids in the school know how much I love it! I have been a fan since season one(Kelly Clarkson is one of my favs of all time!!) So building on that excitement..I have created an American Idol Probability lesson. We have so much fun!! I will be posting pic and "printables" soon! Stay tuned!! I will post some pictures of last years board too...